Monday, February 21, 2011

I Am an Urban Homesteading Pirate

Some of you may have heard about the Dervaes family trademarking the term Urban Homestead among several related words and phrases that have been around long before their spot in Petaluma. If you'd like to read the nitty-grity, you can check out Crunchy Chicken's post here.

If you already know about this bit of ridiculousness, suffice it to say that I am not willing to give up the notion of calling what we do Urban Homesteading. Sure, it may be a bit faddish and cliche, but we do many of the things that homesteaders of yore did and we're slowly moving further and further away from consumer culture. Look at our house, for goodness sakes! It doesn't get much more DIY than that. Today has been dubbed Urban Homesteaders Blog Like a Pirate Day since we are not supposed to use that phrase anymore. If you're a UHer post about what you do and add your url to Crunchy's comment page for this post.

If this is your first time visiting,  welcome! We've only been blogging about our desert homestead since August and sporadically at that. We have two chickens, four young fruit trees, a pantry full of jams, and a tilled rectangle of clay that will some day become a real, live garden. I love to cook and eat, eat eat!  I also find a strange satisfaction in cleaning out the chicken coop in exchange for an egg every day or so.

Feel free to poke around. You might find something that makes you laugh, or shake your head, or a recipe or two to try out at your house. And, if you live in the Albuquerque area I'd love to hear about your food growing/homesteading trials and successes. We need all the help we can get.

Viva Urban Homesteading!

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